Jager Coarse Bubble Diffuser used in the grit chamber of a sewage treatment plant, in the equalization tank, in sludge stabilization tanks or as secondary aeration, they offer the possibility of running at a high airflow and thus mix the medium in the best possible way or ensuring a certain oxygen concentration in the effluent. In addition, the diffuser can be used in aeration tanks to induce vertical flows and thus prevent sludge deposits on the tank floor.
Type : disc diffuser
Material : silicone membrane and PP base body
Weight : 0.08kg
Area of application : continuous or intermittent mixing
JetFlex® Coarse Bubble Disc Diffuser
Jager Cleartec® IFAS BioCurlz
JetFlex® TD Tube Diffuser (TD Series)
Lot 4, Jalan Zuhal U5/178,
Seksyen U5, 40150 Shah Alam,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +6012-983 8782
Fax: +603-7848 1638 (Sales)
+603-7859 8782 (Project)
+603-7848 1628 (Office)
Email: amatech@amatech.com.my